School Uniform
- School uniform
- Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
- School green sweatshirt/jumper/fleece (branded clothing can be bought online - see below)
- White shirt/blouse or polo shirt
- Green or grey tights
- Black/charcoal grey/white socks
- Black shoes
- Long hair tied up at all times
- Green and white check (gingham) dress
Any generic school uniform (unbranded) will be accepted so long as it fits into the colour scheme detailed above.
School branded blue PE T-Shirts (can be bought online - see below), black track suit, black shorts. Trainers. The school green fleeces may also be worn. Long hair tied up please.
Generic PE T-Shirts (unbranded) will be accepted as long as they match the colour of the branded PE shirts.
School clothing and bags
School PE T-shirts, sweatshirts, cardigans, jumpers, fleeces, book bags and PE bags bearing the school logo can be ordered from or call 01296 488000.
All clothing/items must be named. (If you would like to purchase name labels and help contribute funds, at no extra cost, to Friends of East Claydon C of E School please order from Sitkins online. Enter code '6431' near the bottom to ensure donations will come to the school.)
Second-Hand Uniform
Our school Friends Association (FOECS) keeps a supply of good quality second-hand uniform. If you would like to purchase some then please contact Miss Fox in the school office ( for further details.
school uniform policy 2024.pdf