Living Our Values
How do we want and help our children to live our values everyday -
A love of Learning:
Being curious: Children who are curious about the world around them are more likely to develop a love of learning. They may ask questions, seek out new experiences, and be eager to learn more about different subjects.
Reading for pleasure: Children who enjoy reading for pleasure are more likely to have a positive attitude towards learning. They may enjoy reading books on a wide range of topics, including fiction and non-fiction.
Exploring new ideas: Children who are willing to explore new ideas and try new things are more likely to have a love of learning. They may be open-minded, creative, and willing to take risks.
Being engaged in class: Children who are engaged in class are more likely to develop a love of learning. They may participate actively in discussions, ask questions, and be eager to learn more about different subjects.
Pursuing their interests: Children who pursue their interests outside of school are more likely to have a love of learning. They may engage in hobbies, sports, or other activities that allow them to explore their passions and learn new things.
Celebrating their achievements: Children who celebrate their achievements and successes are more likely to develop a love of learning. They may take pride in their accomplishments, set new goals for themselves, and be eager to continue learning and growing.
A Commitment to Learning
Setting goals: Children can demonstrate their commitment to learning by setting academic goals and working towards achieving them. This could be as simple as improving their reading or math skills, or working towards a specific grade or achievement.
Taking responsibility for their learning: Children can show their commitment to learning by taking responsibility for their own education. This involves being organised, keeping track of homework, and being willing to seek help when they need it.
Being enthusiastic: Children who show enthusiasm for learning demonstrate a strong commitment to their education. They may express excitement about new topics, ask questions, and be eager to participate in class activities.
Practicing regularly: Consistent practice is an essential part of the learning process. Children who are committed to learning will make time to practice skills, review materials, and study for exams.
Persevering through challenges: Learning can be challenging at times, but children who are committed to their education will persevere through difficult tasks and setbacks. This could involve seeking help from their teachers or parents, or simply working harder to master a new skill or concept.
Showing up consistently: Regular attendance is essential for success in school. Children who are committed to learning will make every effort to attend school every day and arrive on time.
A Respect for Learning
Listening attentively: When teachers or other pupils are speaking, children can show respect by listening attentively and not interrupting. This helps them to better understand the material being taught and to engage with the subject matter.
Following directions: Children can show respect for their teachers and the learning environment by following directions and completing assigned tasks to the best of their ability.
Participating actively: Active participation in class shows that a child is interested and engaged in the learning process. This can include asking questions, contributing to discussions, and completing classwork and homework assignments.
Taking responsibility for their learning: Children can take responsibility for their own learning by being organised, prepared, and willing to seek help when needed. This can involve developing good study habits, keeping track of assignments and deadlines, and asking questions when they don't understand something.
Showing respect for their classmates: Respectful behavior towards classmates demonstrates a child's commitment to creating a positive and supportive learning environment. This can include being polite, listening to others, and treating others with kindness and understanding.
Being open-minded: Being open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives and ideas is an important part of the learning process. Children can show respect for learning by being curious, asking questions, and being willing to learn from others.